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  • Cardiff magician James Hawker

There is no undefeated in business! 1 minute read!

Have you ever had an idea for a business? Did you do it? Are you an entrepreneur?

Cardiff magician James hawker explains his journey into the magic business

The first time i decided to become an entrepreneur I did not even realise that what it actually was and that I had become one. Like so many others, I just wanted to try something to earn some extra money in a difficult economic climate.

Like almost all of the people I have ever spoken to, I had ideas for a business that I thought were great but they never developed into anything. The main reason this happens is because people almost always consider the barriers first, they look at why they cannot do it and their ideas usually die in those very moments. This was certainty true for me until I made a conscious decision to look at the positives first, this enabled me to look at the barriers as merely obstacles to overcome, rather than reasons not to try.


The biggest truth in entrepreneurship is that losing is a part of the game, and the quicker you realize this, the sooner you won’t be paralyzed by the thought of making a mistake in business. By default, you need to be able to respect your losses. There’s no “undefeated” in entrepreneurship. I genuinely believe this type of attitudinal change can transform your ideas and your life!

Although magic has been a hobby of mine for many years, it was not the first business. In the past, I tried many businesses, many of which were not very successful and just like a fighter in the UFC who will get hit hard, failure in something like business hurts. The point is, again like UFC fighters, to get back in and try again! Analyse what you did right & wrong, how you can prepare better next time and learn from your mistakes and you can make a successful business.

In future blog posts I will detail some of my journey into the business of magic and the transition from amateur hobbyist to paid performer. If you are a magician, I am also writing an ebook on the subject which will give you information to enable you to make some great choices on everything from material to social media marketing and will save you hundreds of hours of unproductive time.

If you are reading this in Wales, there is a lot of support to help you avoid some of the mistakes from places like the Welsh Government, Business Wales & Business in Focus.

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