3 tips if your thinking of booking a wedding magician?

Booking something or someone to provide a service you know very little about inevitably has the same feelings and emotions as having your car fixed at a random garage, you worry about the price,quality, being ripped off and ultimately value for money.
Magicians are particularly tricky (excuse the pun) because you have nothing to compare them to. If you heard a singer you would immediately know if the singer was bad, good or average because as a society we are exposed to singing and singers all the time. Although we are seeing more magic on television, the reality is the general public still have little knowledge of this type of entertainment. If you have not seen live magic before the very nature of magic will mean you cannot help but be amazed and impressed regardless of the magicians ability.
Below you find my tips for ensuring you get the best possible magic and magician to perform at your special day or event. I would be extremely interested to find out if you have followed them and the outcome you had.
1) Always have a demonstration from a magician before booking them.
You should, at the very least do this! You will be able to see first hand what your guests will be experiencing at your wedding or event.
2) Ask them what they perform?
The type of magic magicians perform can vary greatly. There are many types/forms of magic so my advice to you would be to book a magician than can offer close-up magic, mentalisim and more rather than someone who just does card tricks, however amazing those tricks are. Almost every magician will do card tricks, not all will guess your guests pin codes, read their minds, produce ice from thin air etc
3) Price?
For a competent magician, you should expect to be paying between £250 and £400 for two hours of performance. This may sound a lot at first but when you think at many weddings people pay £5 per chair cover for 100 guests or more, i can guarantee people will both talk and remember the magic, they wont remember chair covers, however pretty they may be!
If you follow the above tips I am sure you will get an excellent magician, performing great, memorable magic at your event. If you would like to speak to me, my website is www.jameshawkermagic.co.ukand you can also find me on facebook at www.facebook.com/jameshawkermagic.